Completion of this application form is required:

    • when an existing lease or licence exists on Crown land AND the lessee/licensee is required to seek the consent of the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water (the Minister), as the landowner, to undertake works or development on Crown land OR 

    • when a custodian is required to seek the consent of the Minister, as the landowner, to undertake development on dedicated Crown land. 

    Please  email  the Crown Lands Program or phone 8429 7680 if you are seeking to undertake works on Crown land that is not leased, licensed or dedicated.  

    Please complete the relevant form available on the DEW Crown Lands web page if you are seeking consent for works or development in a National Park. 


    Prior to starting any works on Crown land or applying for development authorisation under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (Development Authorisation), a Lessee/Licensee must at their own expense: 

    • submit to the Minister a Works Plan, which takes into account the requirements (if any) set out in lease or licence agreement;

    • obtain written approval of the Works Plan 

    • obtain approvals from any other regulatory authorities including those required under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016

    Failure to seek the Minister’s written approval prior to undertaking any works on Crown land is a breach of the lease/licence conditions and could possibly be determined to be an offence and be prosecutable in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act 2009

    Any changes to the proposed works that influence the initial authorisation and are necessary as a condition of a Development Authorisation must be re-submitted to the Minister for reconsideration. For further information refer to the DEW Crown Lands web page.


    1. This form is best completed via a desktop using a modern browser.

    2. This application does not require payment of a fee. 

    3. The information provided on this form may be used in accordance with the Government of South Australia's Information Privacy Principles. You are encouraged to read the Department for Environment and Water's Privacy Statement.

    4. Please email the Crown Lands Program or phone 8429 7680 if you require any assistance.

    Crown land details

    For information about how to obtain land details refer to South Australian property and planning atlas.


    Land tenure held


    Primary contact details

    Please provide the details of the primary contact for this application.

    If no email address, please type

    Proposed works details


    Where a tradesperson is required to undertake construction works, please complete their details (if currently known).  

    Additional details
