In accordance with Regulation 9 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Hunting) Regulations 2011, holders of a quail hunting permit are required to complete and lodge this Quail Hunting Survey form within 30 days of permit expiry or revocation. If you held both a duck and a quail open season hunting permit, you must submit separate Hunting Surveys for each permit. Penalties may apply for non-lodgement of a Hunting Survey, or for making a false or misleading statement.
To complete the Hunting Survey:
Fill your personal details at the top of the survey, ensuring your permit number is correct.
Complete one row for each day spent hunting. If you hunted in multiple locations on one day, complete a separate row for each location.
For each row completed, all fields except the comment section must be completed. If no quail were taken on a day of hunting, include that on the survey by recording the date and hunting location putting 0 in the number of quail taken field.
If you did not hunt quail at all in 2025, indicate that by ticking the appropriate box below.
Sign and date survey, then click Submit. You will be sent a confirmation email once the form has been sucessfully submitted.